Hello, Church!
Masih gagal move on dari OIKOS DAY kemarin? Same here! Hehehe. Oh well, kita simak yuk ada apa aja di OIKOS DAY tanggal 24 Agustus kemarin!
FYI, OIKOS DAY dulunya bernama Oikos Gabungan (Combined Cell) dan diadakan di gereja pada Jumat pertama setiap bulannya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, dan restrukturisasi yang kita lakukan di IFC Singapore belakangan ini, kita sadar bahwa we need to come up with new and more attractive concept for Oikos Gabungan.
Voila…! Lahirlah OIKOS DAY!
Perbedaan utama OIKOS DAY dengan Oikos Gabungan adalah jadwalnya yang bukan lagi Jumat pertama setiap bulan (tentatively once every two months, held on Public Holiday), dan venuenya yang nggak selalu di gereja.
Yeah, we know you guys need more space to run around like crazeeeh and stretch your muscles!
Nah, untuk OIKOS DAY pertama ini kita adakan di Top Deck, a multipurpose event space at Upper Thomson. Free coffees are being served (free of charge, yippie!) and we did potluck so ya know… the foods were overflowing <3
From nasi kucing to lemper, meatballs, bakwan jagung, puding, kroket, kue lapis, and MOONCAKES!
And we did have ice breakers, games, and for sure Word of God shared by lovely Ms. Febe Soehardjo. Here are the happy faces!

The guitarist and the impromptu MC
And finally, a mandatory church group selfie!
Thank you, Oikos Arise for hosting the event! We can hardly wait for the next OIKOS DAY!