Hi, Church! IFC Singapore will go ONLINE this Sunday. Di manapun Saudara berada, mari satukan hati kita untuk memuji dan menyembah Tuhan. Kunjungi https://www.facebook.com/ifcsingapore untuk mengikuti ibadah online yang tersedia mulai Minggu pk 10.30 pagi. Mari terus menjaga kesehatan, tetap beriman, dan berdoa bagi bangsa dan negara kita. Tuhan berkati dan damai sejahtera Tuhan beserta kita sekalian!
Dengan ini, kami pihak Indonesian Family Church (IFC) menyatakan bahwa pemberitaan palsu yang tengah beredar di website dan media sosial dengan mencatut nama dan foto IFC adalah fiktif dan tidak benar. Foto yang digunakan dalam berita tersebut telah diambil dari website dan/atau Facebook Page resmi IFC Singapore secara illegal dengan tujuan untuk fitnah dan pencemaran…
Over the past 6 years, IFC Singapore (was known as Gereja Oikos Singapore) has seen God’s unending faithfulness upon our church; we have seen many salvations, physical healing and spiritual transformations. As the church grows into our current size, our facility at BH Building can no longer provide the space needed for the congregation. After…
Download now: http://bit.ly/ifcsgandroid With IFC Singapore app, you can catch up on recent messages and learn more about church’s upcoming events. Plus, you’ll get notification for IFC Singapore’s Daily Devotion, fresh from the Pastor’s Desk! It’s all FREE so download now and do not miss a moment of what’s going on at IFC Singapore! 🙂
We make financial decisions every day. Find out how to manage your money and better understand financial products for your needs at our Financial Talk for young adults and families: ROAD TO FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. Registration: http://bit.ly/ifcfintalk or contact Sugianto (8118 5133) / Very (9008 4823)
Hi, church! Do order your t-shirts now at www.tinyurl.com/ifctshirt . It will be very nice when one day the whole church can wear this and we can take a huge church selfie 😉 The T-Shirt itself is designed by our very own Hosiana and Elis. Please order by Saturday 27th June 2015.
In Revelations 4, John saw that there are elders and angels and creatures not of this world worshipping God endlessly. They all shouted “Holy, Holy, Holy, The Lord God Almighty Who Was and Is and Still Is To Come” and they also shouted “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for…
Halo semua, Tahun ini, dengan tema Arise & Shine, Gereja Oikos Singapura menghimbau jemaat untuk terus melayani di bidang masing-masing, selain turut serta dalam kegiatan misi. Tidak, misi bukan berarti harus pergi ke pedalaman, tetapi menjadi berkat di mana Tuhan telah tempatkan- di sekolah, tempat kerja, Oikos dll. Beberapa pelayanan yang dapat Anda pertimbangkan:…