We make financial decisions every day. Find out how to manage your money and better understand financial products for your needs at our Financial Talk for young adults and families: ROAD TO FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. Registration: http://bit.ly/ifcfintalk or contact Sugianto (8118 5133) / Very (9008 4823)
Hi, church! Do order your t-shirts now at www.tinyurl.com/ifctshirt . It will be very nice when one day the whole church can wear this and we can take a huge church selfie 😉 The T-Shirt itself is designed by our very own Hosiana and Elis. Please order by Saturday 27th June 2015.
Contributor: Anggara Elizabeth Manurung Photographer: Danny Sean Hari pertama Hari Sabtu biasanya hari di mana orang cenderung ingin bermalas-malasan dan bangun agak lebih siang. Tapi Sabtu ini berbeda, karena hari ini telah dijadikan Tuhan bagi IFC Singapore – all pumped up for the long awaited IFC Retreat 2015: “Be Still”! Sejak jam 09.00 pagi…